Tickets Available for Women of Impact Event

SPRINGFIELDBusinessWest will honor its sixth annual Women of Impact at Sheraton Springfield on Thursday, Dec. 7. Tickets cost $95 per person, and tables of 10 are available. To purchase tickets, visit

The class of 2023, profiled in the Oct. 16 issue of BusinessWest and at, are: Fredrika Ballard, president, Aero Design Aircraft Services and Fly Lugu Flight Training; Carla Cosenzi, president, TommyCar Auto Group; Arlyana Dalce-Bowie, CEO, Moms in Power; Sandra Doran, president, Bay Path University; Dr. Khama Ennis, founder, Faces of Medicine and Intentional Health, LLC; Dawn Forbes DiStefano, president and CEO, Square One; Amy Jamrog, CEO, the Jamrog Group; Michelle Theroux, CEO, Berkshire Hills Music Academy; and Lisa Zarcone, author, speaker, and child and mental-health advocate.

The event is sponsored by Country Bank and TommyCar Auto Group (presenting sponsors) and Comcast Business (partner sponsor).