Baystate Noble Hospital Presents Annual PHIL Award to Terry Brayton

WESTFIELD — The PHIL Award is the FACES Foundation’s signature program and the only nationally recognized hospital-based recognition program dedicated to honoring outstanding respiratory therapists who provide exemplary care and treatment for patients with respiratory illnesses, as nominated by patients, family members, and other caregivers. The award honors and recognizes the unsung heroes in the respiratory profession who understand that each breath matters.

Respiratory therapist Terry Brayton was recognized as Baystate Noble Hospital’s 2023 honoree, and was nominated by a pulmonary rehab patient.

The patient’s submission states, “I first met Terry about a year and half ago. I was diagnosed with lung disease and went from needing no oxygen to wearing six liters of oxygen a day. Terry took me by my hand and started to teach me that I could live with this. She taught me all about different cannulas and tips to help me get around. I would not still be working today and striving for a better life without her support. She not only teaches me, but she also encourages me to go beyond my expectations.

“Since I have been in the Baystate Noble Hospital pulmonary rehab program, I have noticed that she does this for everyone she meets,” the nominator continues. “She amazes me how she keeps giving and giving without an end. She lifts you up and carries everyone with her. My goal is to have her recognized as the person she truly is: selfless, giving her best to everyone, and never expecting anything in return. She truly is quite amazing.​”

Lissette Grimaldi, chief administrative officer and chief Nursing officer, added that “Terry truly cares about her patients and is a wonderful asset to our Baystate Noble respiratory team. Her compassion and dedication to our patients is remarkable, and it is an honor to present her with this award.”